Archive for November, 2009

The Answer: How to get into site

Posted in iPhone on November 7, 2009 by banpaca

Q1:What was the name of Hackulous’ April Fool’s Day app?
[2009-11-15 1:18am UTC+8]
Q2:Fill in the blank: Hackulous started off as
[2009-11-15 9:18am UTC+8]
Q3:Who wrote the very first autocracking BASH script?
[2009-11-15 9:41am UTC+8]
[2009-11-15 10:58am UTC+8]
Q5:What is the online alias of the first person to buy the domain?
[2009-11-15 11:30am UTC+8]
Q6:What is Haklab’s favorite food?
[2009-11-15 11:48am UTC+8]
Q7:What is the name of Appulous’ caching algorithm?
[2009-11-16 01:12am UTC+8]
Q8:I work for Apple’s law firm and have been trying to get Appulous shut down since the beginning. I wish I was better at my job :(. What’s my first and last name?
A8:Ian Ramage
[2009-11-16 10:52am UTC+8]
Q9:What was the name of the app written specifically for downloading and installing IPAs from the b00sted4fun repository, and who wrote it? Answer in the format "APPNAME by AUTHOR".
A9:Appshare by Flawless
[2009-11-16 12:50pm UTC+8]
Q10:B00sted4fun’s Russian repo was hosted by what company?
[2009-11-16 02:04pm UTC+8]
Q11:The Appulous test servers, on which new backend code and server configs are tested semi-publicly before moving to production, are provided by what company?
Q12:What feature of PHP 5.3 does Appulous make the most use of in its database system?
A12:Late static binding
Q13:Who leaked the original Crackulous source code?
Q14:To whom did SaladFork turn over the Crackulous project?
Q15:SaladFork is slightly ______________.
Q16:If the permissions are r-xrwxrwx, who can’t write??
Q17:Who did Labrat attempt to con into writing a private Appulous clone for his website?
Q18:Who was the first person to start mass-cracking "self-aware" apps? (Transmit your answer in unison, K?)
Q19:I was part of the team that discovered how to crack apps. My name is ________-fr.
Q20:This on-phone IPA installer predates both Installous and AppShare. What is it?
Q21:What parent company hosted
Q22:Who wrote the code that powered
A22:wyze was a two-man team: Wyze and _____________.
Q24:I have two Hackulous accounts: My main one, and one I made just for fun. Which is the latter?
Q25:You ssh into your phone and need to make a symlink from "cow" to "chicken". Type the command.
A25:ln -s cow chicken
Q26:Before Genius’ Hackulous tag said "Root Admin", what did it say?
Q27:My name used to be Omgwtf. Who am I now?
Q28:You’re connected to our IRC server. To join our room, what would you type?
A28:/join #chatulous
Q29:You ssh to your phone and decide to rename "Documents" to "Other crap". Type the command to do it, without using quotes.
A29:mv Documents Other\ crap
Q30:Kyek modified a greasemonkey plugin to allow you to see if an Appulous IPA link was dead before you clicked it. The original name of this plugin was the ____ Links Checker

From site

So here’s what’s up. Appulous is popular. So popular that the sheer number of hits we get every second are enough to kill our server. So even though almost 3 million people come here a day, very few people are actually getting through.
So we’re moving. We’re in the process of getting more servers to split up the load, making Appulous crazy fast again. But that kind of setup doesn’t appear overnight, and we need to do SOMETHING until then. Introducing the troll bridge.
In order to get in, You have to answer the question. It’s that simple. If you’re at all involved in the scene, the question should be ridiculously simple to answer. If the only thing you have to do with the scene is leeching from Appulous… well then it’s not as easy. Go research if you want in that badly 😉
Hopefully this will take traffic down low enough that the site will work great. Remember, though, THIS IS ONLY TEMPORARY! No more troll after we get our new servers :).

[via Home Page]

rgb400さんの日記: Viliv S5にStrokeitをインストールした。

Posted in UMPC's soft on November 7, 2009 by banpaca

Stroke Itは「マウスジェスチャーツール」と分類されるもので、マウスで一筆書き等の図形を書いて それに操作を割り当てるものです。